This is the most requested feature. Now you can add notes to any entry, and there is no limit on text length. Record anything you'd like and the Log view will display them all.
Every timer can be configured to have a reminder, what it does is a notification will be sent at your desired period after the last timed activity. Say I like to take baby's temperature every 2 hours, I then create a personalized timer "Check temperature" with 2 hour reminder. When recording one entry at 9:30, a notification will be sent on my iPhone at 11:30 (even when the app is not running).
In previous version, if both sides are nursed in one session, you cannot tell what side is the last. This version introduces a red "last" label, which is shown on either L or R button to indicate the side your baby last nursed on.
Retina Displays
All graphics have been reworked to support the high-resolution displays.